By Gracie Roloff

People are lining up for coffee before going to work. Caffeine boost energy that’s why people keep on coming back for more especially during morning to keep them up beat from the start of the day. Sometimes after working hours they would reward themselves for a job well done with a couple of beer before heading home. During weekends they would go out with friends and have a great time. They hit the beach or go to clubs at night, basically just having fun. This is the lifestyle of a typical young professional. With this kind of life comes stress, exhaustion, fatigue and haggardness. It can be seen through the skin, dryness of the skin, wrinkles and the most obvious of them all, dark circles under eyes, This can be prevented by a change in one’s self. This condition can also be acquired with too much exposure to sunlight. Thanks to new technology because we now have foundations and moisturizers with sunscreen protection. It can also be hereditary, if darkness in the under eyes is present with the other members of the family, most likely you will have it too. Over the counter whitening cream can prevent this from happening. For extreme conditions, laser therapy is also available. There are also some ways to hide this dark circles, you can apply concealer under the eyes.

A number of home remedies can also be used to get rid of this dermatological concern. Its very easy to do and a lot more cheaper than those medical procedures or over-the-counter skin solutions. Cucumber and potato slices, lemon juice, tea bags are some of the things that can be use by placing these on top of the eyelids and leaving it for a few minutes and then rinse after. A number of repetition would be needed depending on the darkness of the circle in the under eye.


It’s very frustrating if you have dark circles under your eyes even if you are young. People can see what kind of life you are living. They can tell if you are very stressed out and you need a break. This can also be a problem if you are applying for a job. It can also jeopardize the opportunity in acquiring a position in a company you are applying for. The physical attributes of a person tells so much about oneself.

Its true, having a positive outlook in life, exercise regularly, having a balance diet, these things can easily be done. Have a healthy lifestyle and everything will follow. Health is wealth.

While dark circles aren’t going to hurt you, you’re going to find that you won’t want to look at them forever. Consult with a plastic surgery clinic, or even look at the latest and greatest procedures today. What you’re going to find out is that there are many options out there.

As long as you prevent these things, you’re going to find that the dark circles should disappear for good! Watch your diet, wear creams and get lots of rest!

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how to get rid of dark circles under eyes

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